About XLP

         Download of the English version(1.41e)

XLP is the computing program of linear programming for Windows users. This program works for PCs using a period"." or comma"," as a decimal marker. It works on Microsoft Excel. It adds copmuting functions of Linear Programming, Goal Programming and Integer Programming to Excel. You can operate easily for filling in the Simplex tableau as well as computation. The maximum size of the models is 252 processes(variables) and 500 constraints.

1. System Requirments
1) Microsoft Windows 95/ 98/ 2000/ XP/ 7(32bit, 64bit)
2) Microsoft Excel 95/ 97/ 2000/ 2002/ 2003/ 2007

2. Installation and Run
Download "xlp_nnne.exe" file from this page ("nnn" means version number of XLP). Copy it in the appropriate folder and double click the file for melting. Then program files for running XLP such as "XLP_e.xla" are restored.
Double click on "XLP_e.xla" and start Excel, then [XLP] menu is attached automatically on the original Excel menu bar.

3. Operation
Click on [XLP] menu at the top left of menu bar and select a item from pull-down menu.

4. Function of XLP
Function of XLP are explained by items of [XLP]menu. Each item is expressed as [    ].
(1) [New sheet]
[New sheet] is to create new Simplex sheet. Refer Example sheet when you fill in the data.

(2) [Save]/[Save as]
Select file type for saving.
[Excel type file] save the whole sheet as "*.xls".
[CLP type file] save only simplex sheet as "*.clp".
[Excel type file] is recommended because you can save all sheets of Simplex tableau, Computation results, Graph, etc. as Microsoft Excel file.

(3) [Open]
Simplex sheet and Excel books which were saved by [Save]/[Save as] can open by this item.

(4) [Linear Programming]
This item is to compute linear programming. The results of the computation is shown on another sheet.

(5) [Parametric LP]
This item is to compute linear programming, when the value of profit coefficient or constraint continuously varies.

(6) [Goal Programming]
This item is to compute goal programming. GP can operate more than two goals.

(7) [Integer Programming]
This item to compute integer programming. IP can operate descrete variables such as fixed cost, acreage by each green house, etc.

(8) [System]
This item is to show Example sheet, Final simplex tableau, etc.

(9) [Help]
It shows this manual and the first message.

5. How to write simplex tableau
Look at [System]-[Example] and refer the Example sheet. To write simplex tableau, there are three points as follows.
A) For parametric LP, to set the range of profit coefficient and constraint, fill in initial and final values at the appropriate cell. A space is needed between the initial and final values. For example, when the crop B's profit coefficient will be changed from $50 to $200, you must write [50 200] in the cell for the profit coefficient. When the constraint of land will be changed from 2ha to 4ha, you must write [2 4] in the cell for the constraint.
B) For goal programming, the priority of the goal must be described for adding the numbers to the constraint name, such as "1Land".
C) For integer programming, the process of integer value must be described with asterisk mark on the top of the process name, such as "*CropB".

6. Add-in registration
If you are the frequent user of XLP program, add-in registration is convenient for you. Once install XLP as add-in, every time when you click Excel file, automatically XLP will be opened.
For add-in registration, firstly (1) register a program in add-in collection, then (2) install the program as add-in. For example on the Excel 97, when you select [tools]-[Add-Ins] of menu bar, list of add-in collection will be shown. There is no " xlp" in the list. Click [Browse] button to show the folder in which XLP is installed. Then, click "xlp.xla" and [OK] button. Click [OK] again on the list of add-in collection. Thus XLP is installed as add-in.
To uninstall add-in, (3) select [tools]-[Add-Ins] and show list of add-in collection and uncheck XLP check box.
You can also install/uninstall XLP as add-in by running (1)"addin_collectionl.xls", (2)"addin_install.xls", and (3)"addin_unistall.xls".

Download of the English version(1.41e)

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